Open for registration: Alternative Education // Educational Alternatives, Essex Business School & Kaplan Singapore – Wednesday July 29th - Thursday July 30th, 2020, 5-10pm
What can we make of these dynamics for rethinking approaches to teaching and learning today? That is to say what can be gleamed from histories and practices that are often quite critical of official educational institutions and brought back to enrich and improve more ‘standard’ teaching practices?
The symposium will be held entirely online and will feature a keynote session run by the Bras Basah School of Theory and Philosophy.
Programme: Essex-Kaplan Symposium on Alternative Education / Educational Alternatives 2020
-- This programme is still tentative and subject to change.
Wednesday, 29 July, 5 – 10pm
- Welcome on behalf of Kaplan Singapore by Mike Christie, 5 – 5:05pm
- Introduction by Stevphen Shukaitis, 5:05 – 5:15pm
- Introduction to Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching by Jürgen Rudolph, 5:15 – 5:25pm
- Metaphors as Educational Tools -- Rob Burton, 5:25 – 5:50pm
- Using Forum Theatre to Teach Nursing Students Assertive Communication Skills -- Subadhra Rai, 5:50 – 6:15pm
- Reflections on Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society -- Jürgen Rudolph, 6:15 – 6:40pm
Dinner break, 6:40 – 7:10pm
- Keynote session -- Bras Basah School of Theory and Philosophy, 7:10 – 8:10pm
- Student as Producer: constructing a co-operative university. Mike Neary, 8:10 – 8:35pm
- Democracy in action – Extending Work-based learning to Community Action and Citizenship. Rebecca Warren, Jason Glynos, Anne Steinhoff, Konstantinos Roussos, Jimena Vazquez, Lorenzo Crippa; 8:35 – 9pm
- (What) can educators learn from the ignorant schoolteacher today? Kate Seymour, 9 – 9:25pm
- Phenomenological Approach to Applying Reflective Journaling to Experiential Learning. Michael J. D. Sutton, 9:25 – 9:50pm.
- Closing presentations by Stevphen Shukaitis & Jürgen Rudolph, 9:50 – 10pm.
Thursday, 30 July, 5 – 10pm
- Introduction by Stevphen Shukaitis, 5 – 5:10pm
- Is Paolo Freire still relevant for being a good teacher? Considering the contemporaneity of ‘conscientisation’. Nelson Ang & Jürgen Rudolph 5:10 – 5:35pm
- “Be the change you want to see”: A Three-Pronged Semester-Long Project in a Business Communication Class -- Nimrod L. Delante, 5:35 – 6pm
- Sharing a “tool” named Buckminster Fuller. Quek Joo Hock, 6 – 6:25pm
- The Observation of a Multiple Pausing Strategy In An Online Teaching Environment. Ong Soo Geok & Alex See, 6:25 – 6:50pm
Dinner – 6:50 – 7:20pm
- Reading Groups as Organizing Method. Claudia Firth, 7:20 – 7:45pm
- Why Exploratory Practice (EP) allows for a deeper and more meaningful learning experience. Marianna Goral, 7:45 – 8:10pm
- Deeper learning in online and hybrid educational environments: preparing learners for knowledge construction beyond the confines of formal instruction. Lydia Lymperis, 8:10 – 8:35pm.
- Bridging Learning Gaps in North Cyprus Through Remote Online Learning: A Switch From Traditional To Flipped Classroom. Chinaza Solomon Ironsi. 8:35– 9pm.
- Centering the Document Towards a Critical Studio Pedagogy in Graphic Design. Chris Lee, 9 - 9:25pm.
- Closing words and thanks and Special Issue of JALT by Stevphen Shukaitis and Jürgen Rudolph, 9:25 – 9:35pm.
Bio: The Bras Basah School of Theory and Philosophy ( is a collective aiming to discuss, converse and share in an atmosphere of peer-learning. Attuned to recent trends in critical theory and continental philosophy, and engaged in fields beyond, we are experimenting with modes of humanistic inquiry, discussion and critique. We also try to expand perspectives, thinking the world beyond Eurocentric discourses. Some of the current initiatives include small reading groups, and intimate sessions involving theory and philosophy and a particular cultural medium, eg. films, photography and sound.
Register here: