You are cordially invited to attend the Griffith University - Kaplan, Virtual Learning And Teaching Symposium 2021. Please register here and upon acceptance of your participation into this free-of-charge symposium, you will be sent a Zoom link one week prior to event. It takes place on Wednesday, 22 September 2021, 10 am - 1 pm (SGT), 12pm - 3pm (AEST).
10.00: Welcome address: Professor Ann Bonner -- Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University
10.10: Welcome address: Dr Juergen Rudolph -- Head of Research & Senior Lecturer, Kaplan Higher Education Singapore; Editor-in-chief, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching
10.15: INSPIRE Project: Dr Elizabeth Forster – Programme Director for Postgraduate Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University
10.35: Appreciative Inquiry in Learning and Teaching: Dr Fadhil -- Lecturer, Kaplan Higher Education Institute Singapore
10.55: COVID-19 and Higher Education Megatrends: Dr Jurgen Rudolph -- Head of Research & Senior Lecturer, Kaplan Higher Education Singapore; Editor-in-chief, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching
11.15: Using Virtual approaches in a Clinical Health Assessment Course:
Prof Rob Burton, International Programme Director, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Prof Gary Grant, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, Griffith University, Eileen Grafton, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University. Daniel Della-Bosca. Major Convenor of Visualisation and Immersive Design, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Louise Humphreys, Clinical simulation coordinator, Technical Partners, Health, Griffith University
11.55: Comfort Break
12.05: Using Padlet: Mary Ann Shuker -- Learning and Teaching Consultant, Griffith Health (Learning and Teaching), Griffith University
12.25: Peer Mentoring: Mrs Hazel Rands – Programme Advisor, Bachelor of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University
12.45: Reflections of Delivering Transnational Nurse Education: A. Prof Rob Burton, International Programme Director, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University
13.00: Close