Ecopedagogy / Learning & Teaching as if Ecology Matters
Essex Business School & Kaplan Singapore – Friday, 1st July 2022
Registration: ESSEXKAPLAN2022
The realities of imminent, dramatic and irreversible climate change will significantly change nearly all aspects of human life in the coming decades. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the rate and scope of changes in the world’s climate is unprecedented in human history. These dynamics have reshaped politics and policy across multiple levels, and have led to the declaration that we are living in a new geologic epoch characterized by the effects of human action on the planet: the Anthropocene.
Following this long-established idea of thinking globally, but acting locally, this leads to us to how these dynamics influence and change our roles as teachers and educators. What does it mean to teach and learn in, and despite, the realities of climate change? How should information about climate change be incorporated into and transform how and what we teach? Does climate change pose an especially tricky problem for the business school, which traditionally has championed a model of unregulated markets as the ideal form to achieve maximum profits and shareholder value despite ecological or social consequences of this?
This symposium will explore a range of topics around these themes. Below is the schedule (please note that all times are Singapore Time):